Tuesday, 27 August 2013

I'm such a toad...

I told Sam that I'd put his pictures of the toad/frog from their garden on here - he named it Moby Dick because it was soooo huuuuuge. I didn't quite get round to it, and since then he (Sam, not the toad/frog - although for all I know it has been off on its summer holidays too) has been all the way to Spain and back again, and is now quite disgruntled that I didn't do as I said I would. So. Just for Sam...

Perhaps he'll forgive me now. Not sure his sister will, tho' - the hamster survived, but one of the fish... well, let's just say, RIP in fishy heaven... May your scales never grow dim, and the deep fat fryer of life never trouble you. Cod be with you.

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