Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Goldilocks knitting...

Like my mum, I'm not a knitter. I did knit myself this hat last year, which came out rather larger than I'd anticipated but, luckily, perfect for me. I then made one for a friend, this time using four needles, and it came out much smaller than the first but, fortuitously, perfect for her. I made a third, for the Gorgeous Girl, and the size came out somewhere in the middle... you see where I'm going with this? Stick to scarves and blankets - that's my motto. Then they don't have to 'fit'!

I saw an interesting programme, about Knitting's Golden Age, the other night - still on BBC iplayer and worth a watch. It all gets in a bit of a fankle half way through, with horrid knitted poodle covers for wine bottles, and whilst it then touches on the late, great Bill Gibb and His Royal Knittiness, Kaffe Fassett, it sort of loses its way a little. But the first half, with film of women on Fair Isle, knitting as they walked, and chasing sheep (gosh, they were strong women - in every sense!) is rather lovely.

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