Friday, 22 November 2013

Autumn leaves... and a mystery...

Starting with the mystery, ma belle-soeur has received a book in the post, bought on line, (and apparently paid for by her!) and she has no idea where, or who, it has come from...! It's called Lucia Victrix by E F Benson, a character who featured in a tv programme called Mapp and Lucia (tho' I never saw it). So, we're terribly intrigued as to who might have sent it to her!

Before the wild winds of winter set in to whisk them away, the leaves are still clinging on in all their autumnal glory. I think I might be a bit bored with my hair, as I keep looking at the colours and thinking, 'Oooh, that might be good!' With my hair, I definitely won't go for purple - like a certain someone I know! (Helen!)

1 comment:

Helen Hallows said...

My hair is sooo not purple. x